Town and Country Tiles and BathroomsLineabeta has been dedicating herself in the bathroom accessories and furniture field for over 30 years until she becomes one of the top brands in Italy of its kind.It takes time, energy, experience, innovation, tenacity, creativity, analysis, bonding with the region, various choices over the time, and founder’s sharp soul. It takes all the elements or even more to make Lineabeta lasting and keep growing.

  • Town and Country Tiles and Bathrooms
  • Town and Country Tiles and Bathrooms
  • Town and Country Tiles and Bathrooms
  • Town and Country Tiles and Bathrooms

An appropriate interpretation of Bauman’s glocalization: materials  (glass, brass, stainless steel, ceramic, bamboo) come from an international contest, while people work in Italy or overseas depending on the most competitive locations for manufacturing and specialized processing, but rigorously the inspiration for the collections’ names is from Venetian dialect (Picola, Noanta, Skuara, Venessia, Canavera…).

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